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       For my concentration, I chose to show people what the life of an Irish dancer is like behind the scenes of the smiles and bouncy curls. For the past 5 years, my younger sister has been Irish dancing. A lot of people have no idea what this looks like, let alone what life is like practicing. These  pictures portray what the dancer deals with on a daily basis. This would involve the sweaty hot dance practices weather it be at a studio or at home. Another aspect would be putting on the layers of makeup to make a good impression for the judges. 

      From the beginning of my concentration, I wanted to show the hard workouts and forms that the body has to be in. I chose these pictures because they showed the hard work that it takes to be a good dancer. A dancer must have pointed legs at all times unless there is a specific move that would make your foot go in a different position. Dancers arms must be down by their sides at all times. The story behind the arms is that dancing used to be found illegal in Ireland, so people held their arms down by their sides so that the police couldn't tell that they were dancing. With the makeup, I chose to show people how much makeup the judges really want to see when the dancer is preforming. My best picture is the first one in this slide show. 

       Overall I really liked how my concenration turned out. Something I would have done differently would have been to take more pictures! Maybe I could have gone to a competition and taken some pictures of the actrual dancing, and or the reaction of my sisters face when she recives her scores. Weather it was good news or bad news, the look on her face would portray the real emtions of the results. My success turned you more in the makeup photoshoot probably because I play my pictures better off of color details. My very favorite piece in this project was the picture that has the eyes with the makeup all the way done. I think that you're really seeing into her eyes about what her life is like. Overall I LOVED doing this concentration project! 

Concentration: The Life of an Irish Dancer

The Life of an Irish Dancer


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